News Story

Our Autumn tour of Handel's Amadigi has come to a close, and we were delighted by its reception from audiences all around the country! It was wonderful to be back on the road again, and we wanted to take a look back at the tour in numbers:
- Over the course of the tour, we visited 12 venues: Hackney Empire, Hexham Abbey, York Theatre Royal, Lighthouse Poole, Great Malvern Priory, Royal Spa Centre Leamington Spa, Saffron Hall, The Coro Ulverston, Assembly Hall Theatre Tunbridge Wells, Snape Maltings and Exeter Northcott Theatre.
- 17 local young singers appeared in the role of Orgando, the God of Love-and they were all fantastic!
- Our team travelled a whopping 3680 miles in total, transporting the set and other vital equipment via two 45ft lorries.
- Our poor puppets suffered a decapitation per performance, making 18 in total!
- 56m2 of stage flooring was recycled for our next production in Spring 2022.
- 54.9715° N, 2.1025° W- these are the co-ordinates of Hexham Abbey, the most northerly venue we visited!
- There were 229 surtitle slides per performance, making 4122 slide changes total over the course of the tour, and...
- ...432 'da capo' arias were sung!
It's been great to look back on the tour and reflect on everything (and everyone) that made it happen. We're so proud of what we achieved this season with Amadigi, and we're looking forward to getting back on the road in Spring 2022!