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Supporters FAQs

Why is English Touring Opera changing its membership fees and how will this benefit its supporters?

For the first time in over a decade ETO has decided to increase its membership fees to bring them in line with other arts organisations, reflecting the changing financial climate currently facing the arts. This increase will help us deliver work that makes a difference and will provide all our supporters and audiences with access to world class opera alongside our industry leading Learning and Participation programmes.

When do the new membership tiers come into operation?

The new membership tiers will come into effect from 1 July 2024. These new tiers will be implemented on a rolling basis with your next due payment after this date.

How do the old membership tiers compare with the new ones?

We’ve not only renamed but also created whole new membership tiers. We hope that with these new tiers all our supporters can find a level that most closely fits them.

Our memberships are now split into two categories – Friends and Benefactors.



ETO Friend - £5 per month / £60 per year

Benefactor - £120 per month / £1440 per year

Bronze Friend - £10 per month / £120 per year

Benefactor Plus - £215 per month / £2580 per year

Silver Friend - £20 per month / £240 per year

Season Benefactor - £400 per month / £4800 per year

Gold Friend - £40 per month / £480 per year

Principal Benefactor - £600 per month / £7200 per year

Platinum Friend - £60 per month / £720 per year

Will there be a change in the ways fees are processed?

Yes. Memberships will now be purchased on a yearly subscription basis. You can continue to pay monthly or choose to pay for the year in advance. At the end of each year, you’ll receive an update from us, a thank you, and an option to renew your membership for the next year.

What do I need to do to continue my support at the new level?

You don’t need to do anything! If you donate by Direct Debit or auto-renew from a debit/credit card, the Development Team will write to you around a month before your current membership expires, explaining the new donation amount. If you wish to make any changes to the suggested donation amount, simply reply by the date specified in the communication, which will be in advance of the new donation being collected, and we will be happy to help.

Will there be new benefits for members?

We are completely changing our membership model, offering new benefits, more choice and increased opportunity for engagement with ETO. These include: digital programmes, invitations to educational performances, private recitals and masterclasses, reserved seating for preshow talks, backstage tours and lunch with our General Director – to name just a few! For the full list of membership fees and benefits please visit our membership page HERE.

Are there any additional benefits accompanying the price increases?

Yes, we are committed to providing behind the scenes access for our supporters, to enrich your experience with ETO and to say thank you. Alongside the price adjustments, we will be changing, updating and adding additional events to our supporters’ programme. We have already started to put this into place. Full detail can be found on our Memberships page.

Will there be options available for those who may find the increased fees challenging?

Absolutely. We understand the importance of accessibility and inclusivity. While we are adjusting our pricing structure, we will continue to offer a range of options to accommodate diverse financial circumstances, ensuring our programmes and opportunities remain accessible to all, while covering the costs of inflation.

How were the new membership fees determined?

Our new membership pricing has been carefully determined based on several factors. These include increased operational costs, inflation, feedback from our supporters and benchmarking against other organisations within the arts. Going forward, ETO’s new membership pricing looks to provide both financial stability and value for our members.

Is there an opportunity for members to provide feedback or input regarding the price increases?

Yes, we value the input and feedback of our members. Your feedback will always be instrumental in shaping our approach and ensuring that our membership scheme continues to meet the needs and expectations of our valued supporters. You can always reach out to us with feedback/suggestions at

How will English Touring Opera ensure that the increased fees align with the organisation's mission and values?

The increased fees are aligned with our mission of making exceptional artistic experiences available and accessible to everyone. We are committed to providing music of the highest possible standard to audiences throughout the country, touring to places that are often underserved in the arts, all while keeping our ticket prices as low as possible.

How can members continue to support English Touring Opera beyond their membership fees?

There are various ways to support ETO beyond membership fees, including making one off donations, supporting specific campaigns throughout the year, leaving a legacy in your will, talking to your local venues about working with ETO and, of course, coming to see us perform. ETO has always relied on the support and enthusiasm of our audiences, friends and music lovers. We cannot thank you enough for continuing to support us in any way you can.