Peter Whelan
Irish-born Peter Whelan is among the most exciting and versatile exponents of historical performance of his generation, with a remarkable career as a conductor, keyboardist and solo bassoonist. He is Artistic Director of the Irish Baroque Orchestra and Ensemble Marsyas.
2018 sees Peter join Irish National Opera as artistic partner, conducting Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro with the Irish Chamber Orchestra and Gluck’s Orfeo et Euridice with the IBO during INO’s inaugural season.
Peter has conducted at the Edinburgh International Festival (2017), Kilkenny Arts Festival (2017), Bath Festival (2017) and Wigmore Hall (2016/17).
Peter is ‘as exciting a live wire as Ireland has produced in the world of period performance’ (Irish Times). His artistic direction in live performance and the recording studio has been praised for its ‘stylish verve’ (BBC Music Magazine), its ‘exuberance and elegance’ (Irish Examiner’), and its ‘slick tempi, grit and character’ (Golden Plec).