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Ellie Mills

Ellie developed a love of puppetry after studying at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and has worked as a freelance designer and maker for a number of years. Ellie first joined Little Angel as the Participation Manager promoting the importance of drama and puppetry in the lives of children; helping to inspire their creativity and imagination as well as increase their confidence. Now as the In-House Designer she has worked on shows for both stage and screen including Mother Christmas, Bugaboo and There Maybe a Castle. Ellie has co-created an interactive, touring show that coupled live theatre with AR technology to create a unique theatrical experience for children and young people isolated in hospitals, bringing the magic of puppetry to their bedside. This show was then re-mounted as a digital tour last year; this and all our online content has meant that we can keep reaching out to all those who cannot physically come through our doors.