Adrian Dwyer
Born in Melbourne, Adrian Dwyer studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the National Opera Studio. He made his professional debut as Rodolfo in Baz Luhrmann’s La Bohème in Los Angeles, winning an LA Stage Alliance Award for Outstanding Performance. Since then his roles have included BénédictBéatrice et Bénédict(Opéra Comique), MacduffMacbeth and AlmavivaBarbiere di Siviglia (Scottish Opera), AndresWozzeck and JaquinoFidelio (English National Opera), Miroslav/HarpistExcursions of Mr Broucek and RobertSkin Deep (Opera North), and Don Ottavio Don Giovanni and GiuseppeLa Wally (Opera Holland Park and Belle Ile Festival France).
Recent and future highlights include Lemminkainen Swanhunter for Opera North, Don Jose Carmen for Blackheath Halls Opera, and TrabucoLa forza del destino and FlavioNorma for ENO.