News Story

ETO is taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2020
We need your help to tackle the impact Covid-19 has had on children’s mental health, wellbeing and happiness and unlock thousands of pounds of match funding.
Next month, we are participating in the Big Give Christmas Challenge, a one week campaign starting on Tuesday 1 December where all donations made to our campaign page will be DOUBLED. Your £5 will become £10.
We’re raising funds to enable Back into the World, a new project which will address the severe isolation, uncertainty, challenging emotions, disrupted learning, anxiety and craving interaction with friends that thousands of children have faced throughout lockdown.
With your help, ETO will create a live, participatory opera for over 1,000 children aged 4 to 7 in at least ten schools across the UK to help children trust, form tactile and emotional bonds, develop teamwork and collaboration, create new music and stimulate creativity and self-expression.
You have an opportunity to make a real difference to children’s lives across the UK. Whether you can give £500, £50 or £5 we would be really grateful for your support which will be doubled to make twice the impact. Please visit our campaign page to learn more. If you can’t donate, why not tell five friends about our campaign.
Click here to find out more about the campaign.
Thank you,
Dominic, Head of Development, Communications & Sales