News Story

We couldn't resist taking a look back on last year with some fabulous statistics. These include our digital work, our autumn tour of Amadigi, and our brand-new opera for children, Back into the World! Here's what we achieved:
- We released 25 original videos onto the newly-created ETO at Home platform. Professionally filmed and edited, these high-quality new works were intended to fill the void left by lack of live performance whilst being valuable creative endeavours in their own right.
- Alongside the digital films, we also released 17 digital singing lessons made with brilliant freelance singers. These were crafted for choirs, with specific lessons for each voice part - soprano, alto, tenor and bass - and remain free to access onETO at Home.
- 3000 children watched their very first opera when we toured Back into the World to schools, libraries and theatres around the UK. The feedback from children and their teachers was overwhelmingly positive!
- As well as this, we also released 15 films especially for children and young people onto our YouTube channel and ETO at Home.
- Finally, we travelled a whopping 3680 miles with our autumn production of Handel's Amadigi. That's further than the distance between London and Toronto!